Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Hip Hop Network

 Build you own network
"The richest people on earth build or find networks" Robert Kiyosaki.
Life is one big network. The most interesting and most complicated set of networks you can ever find. The air we breath connects all the human being with all the trees and animals sea and land and everything else. To test this you can visit your most common network which is your spiritual connection and see there the amount of networks that are available to you. Lets talk more about the business connections. Its time to start creating your own business network. Belt the world if you want. You know I give great respect to the creators of huge online networks like Facebook, Google., Microsoft. These guys know what networking is all about. They understand the nature of humans and the need to connect to each other. You too can create a network of such size if you think about it. Now lets look at how can you create a your own network. The best place to start is by inventing something new or just putting something new on the table to trade. An average human being gets about four news ideas that can massively change their lifes for good everyday. People are sometimes scared of their ideas and stop them from ever being born to life. Put your network down on paper and make it visible to you so that you can understand it better. Draw lines, name, numbers everything that can make it simpler for you to understand your network better. Make connections with other businesses and people. Create a structure that allows people to join in your network. The ideas on this are endless. Look at network marketing business their structures, look at social networking sites like Facebook their structures sure from all those networks you are capable of coming up with something of your own. Make sure your network is long lasting and secure. Find things that connects us already and use them to connect people and businesses for better. One of the best ways to start your network is with your close friends and family, these people can grow your network faster that you think.

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Hip Hop in the digital age!

This past few months have been really hectic for most of us, time is moving fast. We still holding our heads up in the name of hip hop. Hip Hop has taken over now. We can no longer say its about the music or the dance ect. Its all over business and hustling. The are so many interesting things to do with the web that now I see no reason for any body to go and get a job. Being on the Internet itself is a job. Time has moved fast, we have to adapt. Me and you have the opportunity of a lifetime. This has never happened before so let me and you be the first of our kind to rip the fruit of this tree. I have recently signed up with Google and their products. They are amazing and you know what finally we have seen some money out of this machine. This is still Hip Hop but on another level. We have been talking about acting and now the chance has come for us to act. Our conditions are perfect, the amount of freedom we have the amount of time we have. I have always asked myself how does some one make billions of dollars in under 7 years but now I see how its made. To tell you the truth the people running the Internet are a bunch of hustles programmers. They running the show calling the shots. So me and you have to quickly move our selves toward the knowledge of being literate with computers. Being on the Internet is an experience that everybody should have. So maybe at some point in this blog you will ask yourself whats the point, well my point and purpose of this exercise is to share with all the hip hop head out there some of the way I have found on the net of making a living. I'm talking about waking up in the morning and knowing that you have build a machine that generates money for you. There are so many ways on this thing about making money and it will all depend on the strategies that you choose to use that may suit you style and taste. Well the method I am proposing here is using Google products to increase your income. As i said I have signed up with some of their product which are adsense and adwords. The mixture of the two are a perfect way for you to get started making some money. Well I do not classify myself as a mc or producer or any other, I'm just an ordinary person like who likes the culture and wants to improve it's youth with some skill. Although I do posses some of the ordinary skill of like producing music and rapping but I'm more interested in computers and the money they can yield over time. I will be talking more about on line money that anything else so please stay tuned. Latest Hip Hop news
Latest hip hop fashion

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Monday, 3 October 2011

Hip Hop the capitalist mind

Hip Hop is a lifestyle, we now have to look at this culture and explore its wonderful opportunities of earning a living or an income. There is still more room for new ideas in this world that are demanded from us to keep this culture alive. So many things are missing or in shortage in our communities that we have to fill in these spots as soon as possible. Anybody who is a member of this hip hop community knows the amount of new ideas that are needed for the survival and progress of hip hop. This is a culture where anybody with the right mind set can be anonymously elected to be a leader. We are now faced with the realty of certain issues that need our attention and must be addressed.

The capitalist mind of hip hop is now looking at opportunities that can be taken from the ideas that are missing in our communities. Capitalism is hip hop. Education plus connections equals to a fruitful life that we all deserve.
Its a wonderful feeling knowing that you have the potential of helping a lot of people and being paid for it in same time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! In fact it is the natural laws of the Universe. I believe education and information should be passed around people and that alone allows room for more growth in the system. There is a shortage of computers and the Internet in my community, that shows the amount of work that still needs to be done and already there is room for opportunity for hip hoper like me and u to capitalize on. A hip hoppers capitalist mind and a hip hoppers investors mind are needed for these kinds of moola opportunities available here.
The wonderful thing about the people in my community is that they are willing to pay for anything that is new to them. This might be a problem in your community also but if not I bet you know of a community that suffer the same fate. This is a way of increasing the culture of hip hop, making it available in places that seem to be far from the world we are in rite now.

Living the life of a hip hoper is a win win situation because it seems to me like the people who are part of this culture are mostly intelligent and smart individuals. Sometimes smart intelligent minds needs a spark of new ideas from a different sources to keep things going. We are lucky to be part of this culture because the ideas that you and I receive from the hip hop movement are always life transforming. So let us share ideas and make money doing it, that HIP HOP.

Audio books

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Where is the money?

The truth is I have fallen in love with the internet over the past couple of months since I have been able to figure out how can I stay connected for as long as I want. But now looking at some information on the web reading, hooooo! doing the same thing over and over, watching videos, downloading some music you know shouldn't be downloading! that latest album you pirates. lol. How about making some money on the Internet. Now thats what I will consider a sport. But now where to start you may ask or you may already be making some money, good for you. But those who are like me still looking for a way to pay the bills and maybe eat some pizza with that internet money. Where to start? Some will say start anywhere. Imagine living the life of your dreams all expenses paid through via you pay pal account or your visa, driving that car or living in that house all expenses paid by the Internet. Where is the money on the net. You know sometimes I like to think that maybe there might be one huge Internet bank account where all the big shots take a slice when ever they want to. But really where is all this money on the net. I'll tell you the money that I see all the time, the money being spend by me for logging on to the net even though it suppose to be for free. Ok, I buy airtime, convert in to data bundles and they get eaten up by somebody who's smarter than me. Where is this money on the net and how can me and you and have a piece of this hidden pie. Are we suppose to sell or provide service to somebody or simply do them all in order to have a piece. I am hungry I'm not going to lie to you. That life I'm also working towards it but i will like to hear from you on how you feel, your thoughts on this matter. Are people out there being greedy or must we just think harder. Where is the money? or as my brother will say where is the cheese?
Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

What you should know!

I've have been learning coding for some time now. I will say I'm almost half way with my studies. I'm very consend about Africans who like the Internet so much but really don't know how to use it. I say this place is one complicated piece of work. My concern is the future of Africans in this global arena.

I see a future where every single house hold will one day have to have excess to net or simply stay behind. Our times are changing so fast and I think everybody will agree with me that information is now at the tip of our fingers. Every single day I hear somebody talking about Facebook every where. I like Facebook myself.
I like looking at their code even though sometimes I think its written in Chinese but I know its just a code where if I spend enough time looking at it I will understand something about it. I live in a community where the people here are so business minded but still sticking to the old type conventional businesses. These people have very little idea of the Internet and its capabilities. Everybody wants success but nobody wants to do the work. What I'm saying is that Africa especially South Africa since it is the powerhouse of the continent has to do more in enforcing the use of the Internet amongst its people especially the youth. The inventors of the Internet are the Americans but that doesn't mean we can not learn to compete globally. The Asians are also the powerhouse of this network including the Europeans. I'm the type of person who gets very worried when using something that I know very little about.
I am way pass that stage of blaming men from overseas for all my misfortunes because know I see that we all capable of doing great things in our lives. The African people dream about the wealth of other nations. It is no secret, but will we ever have wealth like the Bill Gates or the Mark Zuckerbergs. What do these people know that we don't. You tell me. I've done research on these people and almost every single one of them know something about computer science. Guess what? some of the information is not available on the server that I'm connected with and I wonder why?

Do people know that the Internet is something we should be getting for free. Do we know that the ether that connects us all is free with no charge. These massive Internet companies are running the globe behind close doors and I believe some of them are getting much bigger that governments. think about!
Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

How to connect Linux system with a vodafone moderm!

The idea is to connect your Vodacom 3G card with a Linux operating system. Follow these instruction and you will not go wrong. First plug in your 3G card on your laptop or pc system and wait for it to auto-run. Now its  time to create your Internet connection. Click on your system tab and go to preferences and open up the network connection. Open up the mobile broadband tab and add a new network connection that correspond to your 3G card. Follow the instruction given to you to suit your network connection. After you finished close all the tabs and open up the 3G card with file browser. Copy all the files on the 3G card to a separate folder on your desktop. Go to the setup files open their properties and change their permissions to execute. Now the setup files are ready to be runned as program files and there is no need to use wine software. Run the setup files so that they get installed into your computer. You don't have to use the mobile parter software provided by the ISP. Remember to run the setup files that are copied to your desktop. Now your computer is ready to log on to the Internet.

Friday, 24 June 2011

A business you can start!

Its time to start cashing in on your skills, skills that you have learned through out the years. Do you know how good it feels to get paid for those skills. Well let me tell you its feels realy good getting paid for something you can do better than the next person. For this business you will need a laptop with Internet connection. Mobile teaching. One of the first things to do is take a look at your community. Find the type of computer skill in need in your community. A very simple thing to do is to teach people how to make money on the Internet. I think that skill is always in need everywhere around the world. The is a huge untapped market on making money on the Internet. You can write a book on that if you want to. But to teach people how to make money on the Internet you the teaher have to have proof of some money that you made over the internet. Its really simple to make money on the Internet with the amount of tools that they provide you with. Once you have proof that you can make money over the Internet its time to start working. Don't worry about the man made laws, they are there to distract you from making money anyway. Put ads out on the type of skill you posses. Offer lessons for a fee but add in some free-bes to people especialy children and elder people. That will draw much needed attention to your business. If you can show somebody how to make at least 100 points on their own you are sure of making a hole lot more money than you can handle on your own. With a simple tool like Google ads you can knock of that amount in no time. Now I come from a community where a business like this booms like the oil rush of the 1800's. If you have a skill like computer programming, its like walking on acres of fertile soils with seeds in your hands to plant. Don't worry if you don't, if you are capable of finding this blog and read it you do have some skill in you that you can trade. Now the business is really simple. You advertise, if you find a customer that needs something you are not familiar with ask a friend of yours or somebody you know. You can even do a manual search of the problem on the Internet learn it and teach it. We now live in the world of computing where one day everybody will be required to have a blog or website or get left behind. Like any business you have to have rules and conditions make sure your customers are clear on that. You can even fit this business in with your full time job if you want to. You have the option of going to your customers or you customers coming to you. "If you help a lot of people get what they want, you will certainly get what you want" 'Zig Ziglar'. Its really that simple.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

How to raise capital for a start-up business

Now I have been in this game long enough to realize that when you start making money, some people will not like the idea of you making that amount money. Points that what I call money. How many points to you want in order to start that dream business of yours or expand on your existing ideas that you have already. The trick is to learn how to play this game. Lets say you need 10 000 points in order to do what you want. Now because I'm am a business figure I will refer you to selling something. I like to sell digital products. I think you know why. Create a product from the vast amount of information available to you on the web. The Internet has provided people like me and you with simple ways to put food on our tables. We all love the Internet so use it how ever you feel to play this game and earn your points. There are millions of products available to you on the net freely ready for you to sell. Just make sure you know the copyright laws while you doing this. Now some people will not like those ideas because they wish they where in your shoes Don't worry about them, they just creating a nice platform for you to rise. They helping you without even them knowing that they helping you. Find a product now on the Internet to sell, create your own marketing style. This is a market game, and its an open market game for anyone to play. If you choose not to play some people will take the points provided for you by nature and the Universe to play for you. So be careful how you play and move fast but with accuracy. Look at the people in your community, see what they want, look for what they and provide it to them. Find businesses that will let you advertise your product on their turf. You will be amazed at the amount of people willing to jump on your ship once you show that you are doing something. Even if thats a sinking ship. Now remember this is your plan of raising those points you need for a start-up business or just extra point so be simple in your plan. Its a stepping stone to something greater. Good luck!

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Internet marketing!

Ordinary people are starting to be extraordinary so join the team! The Internet has provided a platform for anybody from anywhere to make money. For those who are in the cheda chase know the importance of the Internet. Internet marketing makes it all possible. It separates the men from the boys. The most important thing about marketing on the web is traffic on your web page. Traffic means people and people mean business and business means money. I like to call money points why? we will discuss that on a different section. Points meaning money to you is the reason why we all in business. With Internet marketing you have the ability and freedom to choose how many points you want to earn at a given time. Of cause like any business the is a lot to consider but once you go about doing it, it all becomes simple like brushing you teeth. The ways that you can go about increasing you points is but increasing traffic on your site. You can increase the links to you site or play around with keywords and start learning SEO. You phrases have to be specific and you will need a lot of keyword practice and once you have mastered your skill you can move on to the next levels.

 How to create your own audio book.

Monday, 23 May 2011

The Game ain't no longer the same!

Google Pics
It is very exiting to be on the internet. Now It's a lot easier than before. Our fathers and mothers had to wake up early and go to work so that they could put food on the table. That is really not what people want. People want it easy. Well it can be if you work in the right direction. Either way we have to work for our bread. But now the question is "What is work". To me work is using your brains. Using them in such a manner that you are provided for in all you need even wants. There are now over 2 billion people on the internet. Do think that some of those people will be interested in what ever is it that you have to offer. Now guys know that this is all about numbers. How do you play with the numbers. $10 000 is much simpler than you think. But you have to always remember the rules. The rules that you have used to get where you are or where you want to be. I am a very simple person with simple tastes. I use the laws of the Universe to clear my path. I would like to help some of you guys to get what you want and get helped buy some of you guys to get what I want plain and simple. I live in a very still environment where people are waiting for things to happen or are being force to make things happen. It is now time to make things happen! our time. Start creating your life the way that you want it be. Attract the things that you want into your daily experiences. Live in the magic of life like the rest of the people are enjoying. thabiso networking out!!!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

facebook travelling!

It's now 00:37 and I am sitting here with my girlfriend watching some boring movie about a stupid guy and a stupid girl. My girlfriend likes it cause she is laughing her ass off. I was going through Facebook on what I call People traveling. People traveling is when you through people's profiles and inviting those that you like to join your or better request them as friends. Now the easy way of getting anyone to except you as a friend is by writing a personal message that goes with the friend request. For example "Hi 'name' . This is a friendly request. Peace with love". Now the development team of Facebook are a bit smart, If you just request messages to people without any invitation, they mark it as spam. Now depending on the type of message that you send, that will tell how many people respond to your friend request with a personalized message. The reason I'm blogging about this is because this is one of the ways of increasing traffic to your site and maybe make a sale if you are business minded or just getting people interested in what you are doing. I am one of those people that like to take opportunities when they arise and I think in our life time the Internet is opportunity that any one should take advantage of! If there's anyone out there who can tell me that they are satisfied with their financial status then i'll show you a 98 years old woman who can run faster than you. This is a daily dose of thabisonetworking. Peace

thabisonetworks hip hop

Now if you really want to get the history of hip hop and it's origins you can just go on the Internet and really dig up this interesting facts about the movement. I am one of those people who listen to music spiritually and I say hip hop originated from the heart and soul of men. After you have been in the music business long enough music becomes a part of your life, it is said that music is the language of God. Although hip hop has many forms and shapes like graffiti, beat-boxing, dancing it is truly amazing how the youth of today have taken advantage of all these categories.  We are fortunate to witness the spread of this culture around the world in such a sort period of time. Today hip hop means a lot of things to a lot of people but what ever your meaning is it is a language we all understand. Hip hop has changed some of the industries to better. It has given birth to a new culture of fashion and new markets all over the world. Back were I come from they used to say that hip hop is the cnn of African man.
Knowledge and information can be passed to the next generation via the communication channels provided by hip hop. The lifestyle of hip hop has grown so much and demands an arm full to its followers. While most of today's youth recognizes hip hop buy its music which is a mixture of poetry and instruments, a hip hoper can sometimes be seen by his/her character. We now have the power of the Internet to even spread the language and movement of hip hop much faster. If you are hip hop then you will know what I'm talking about.
Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!