Monday, 3 October 2011

Hip Hop the capitalist mind

Hip Hop is a lifestyle, we now have to look at this culture and explore its wonderful opportunities of earning a living or an income. There is still more room for new ideas in this world that are demanded from us to keep this culture alive. So many things are missing or in shortage in our communities that we have to fill in these spots as soon as possible. Anybody who is a member of this hip hop community knows the amount of new ideas that are needed for the survival and progress of hip hop. This is a culture where anybody with the right mind set can be anonymously elected to be a leader. We are now faced with the realty of certain issues that need our attention and must be addressed.

The capitalist mind of hip hop is now looking at opportunities that can be taken from the ideas that are missing in our communities. Capitalism is hip hop. Education plus connections equals to a fruitful life that we all deserve.
Its a wonderful feeling knowing that you have the potential of helping a lot of people and being paid for it in same time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! In fact it is the natural laws of the Universe. I believe education and information should be passed around people and that alone allows room for more growth in the system. There is a shortage of computers and the Internet in my community, that shows the amount of work that still needs to be done and already there is room for opportunity for hip hoper like me and u to capitalize on. A hip hoppers capitalist mind and a hip hoppers investors mind are needed for these kinds of moola opportunities available here.
The wonderful thing about the people in my community is that they are willing to pay for anything that is new to them. This might be a problem in your community also but if not I bet you know of a community that suffer the same fate. This is a way of increasing the culture of hip hop, making it available in places that seem to be far from the world we are in rite now.

Living the life of a hip hoper is a win win situation because it seems to me like the people who are part of this culture are mostly intelligent and smart individuals. Sometimes smart intelligent minds needs a spark of new ideas from a different sources to keep things going. We are lucky to be part of this culture because the ideas that you and I receive from the hip hop movement are always life transforming. So let us share ideas and make money doing it, that HIP HOP.

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