Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Hip Hop Network

 Build you own network
"The richest people on earth build or find networks" Robert Kiyosaki.
Life is one big network. The most interesting and most complicated set of networks you can ever find. The air we breath connects all the human being with all the trees and animals sea and land and everything else. To test this you can visit your most common network which is your spiritual connection and see there the amount of networks that are available to you. Lets talk more about the business connections. Its time to start creating your own business network. Belt the world if you want. You know I give great respect to the creators of huge online networks like Facebook, Google., Microsoft. These guys know what networking is all about. They understand the nature of humans and the need to connect to each other. You too can create a network of such size if you think about it. Now lets look at how can you create a your own network. The best place to start is by inventing something new or just putting something new on the table to trade. An average human being gets about four news ideas that can massively change their lifes for good everyday. People are sometimes scared of their ideas and stop them from ever being born to life. Put your network down on paper and make it visible to you so that you can understand it better. Draw lines, name, numbers everything that can make it simpler for you to understand your network better. Make connections with other businesses and people. Create a structure that allows people to join in your network. The ideas on this are endless. Look at network marketing business their structures, look at social networking sites like Facebook their structures sure from all those networks you are capable of coming up with something of your own. Make sure your network is long lasting and secure. Find things that connects us already and use them to connect people and businesses for better. One of the best ways to start your network is with your close friends and family, these people can grow your network faster that you think.

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Hip Hop in the digital age!

This past few months have been really hectic for most of us, time is moving fast. We still holding our heads up in the name of hip hop. Hip Hop has taken over now. We can no longer say its about the music or the dance ect. Its all over business and hustling. The are so many interesting things to do with the web that now I see no reason for any body to go and get a job. Being on the Internet itself is a job. Time has moved fast, we have to adapt. Me and you have the opportunity of a lifetime. This has never happened before so let me and you be the first of our kind to rip the fruit of this tree. I have recently signed up with Google and their products. They are amazing and you know what finally we have seen some money out of this machine. This is still Hip Hop but on another level. We have been talking about acting and now the chance has come for us to act. Our conditions are perfect, the amount of freedom we have the amount of time we have. I have always asked myself how does some one make billions of dollars in under 7 years but now I see how its made. To tell you the truth the people running the Internet are a bunch of hustles programmers. They running the show calling the shots. So me and you have to quickly move our selves toward the knowledge of being literate with computers. Being on the Internet is an experience that everybody should have. So maybe at some point in this blog you will ask yourself whats the point, well my point and purpose of this exercise is to share with all the hip hop head out there some of the way I have found on the net of making a living. I'm talking about waking up in the morning and knowing that you have build a machine that generates money for you. There are so many ways on this thing about making money and it will all depend on the strategies that you choose to use that may suit you style and taste. Well the method I am proposing here is using Google products to increase your income. As i said I have signed up with some of their product which are adsense and adwords. The mixture of the two are a perfect way for you to get started making some money. Well I do not classify myself as a mc or producer or any other, I'm just an ordinary person like who likes the culture and wants to improve it's youth with some skill. Although I do posses some of the ordinary skill of like producing music and rapping but I'm more interested in computers and the money they can yield over time. I will be talking more about on line money that anything else so please stay tuned. Latest Hip Hop news
Latest hip hop fashion

Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!