Imagine surfing the Internet for as long as you want and downloading as much as you want also without giving much thought about your connection fees. While this might be distant thoughts to most people, I like to tell you that there are people already around the world who don't worry about such petty things.
Having the abilities to communicate and use the air and the information in it might mean the birth of a hole new world to many people.
The question is! what would it mean to you to be able to use a free network.
At this stage you already wondering to yourself how in the world are you going to bypass your service provides. Well rest your thoughts, I have just learned that there are couple companies who are working on such matters as you read this line.
This could be a chance to reduce poverty greatly because more information to people means more education and more education means more money to the economy. An uneducated economy is a weak economy
I was wondering when will we have such services. Today we have Open Source(OS) companies which offer similar or even better service than close corporation for free. The idea of OS have been around a long time, and its now about time that people start taking about such ideas to even greater heights. If we could an OS company like LINUX which is a direct competitor to Microsoft, a close corporation business we could certainly have an OS company for air networks. These huge money sucker networks will not go down without a fight, the teaching of The Art Of War: Sun Tzu states "to subdue the enemy without a fight is the height of skill" so I'm pretty sure we are in for a showdown.
I am one of those people who fell in love with the Internet ever since I started to use it, but there has always been thoughts at the back of my mind that are related to network charges. I have always looked for cheaper ways of connecting to the net only to find out that at the end, these companies are the same. I have talked to many people who have similar challenges as I do.
One of my friends who I have not seen in a couple of years recently just appeared on Facebook and one of the first things he talked about was the network charges or fees that he has to pay, claiming that the charges are lucrative. Nobody really likes to pay thats why technology is always coming up with cheaper better ways of doing things. There's a golden rule in business that says "what you don't know you pay for".
From where I'm siting I can see one direct cost that I can pay for and thats for the infrastructure that have been build to exchange information.
Blackberry mobile is one of the cheapest ways of connecting to the Internet, except for the fancy outfit it has, the low rate are one of the features that attracts its uses. They are certainly heading in the right direction when it comes to the connectivity business.
These network companies have invested a lot of money into their businesses so to them they have the market figured out. I'm wondering why do poorer countries pay so much when it comes to using such services. This is not a debate on who pays and who doesn't it simply ideas that are presented to you to think about or maybe just have a chat with your friends.
Since the main currency of the Internet is personal data these network companies days are coming to an end. People love free stuff. Sooner or later more and more people will realize that the Internet is something that was meant to be free. The world now has a great need to connect, as we can see with the birth of social networks, there is a great need for people to share ideas!. Poorer communities have not even heard about such a thing as the Internet, so can you imagine the amount of skills and business opportunities that awaits them once they get hold of these tools.
Its fair to say that we need such connections in order to maintain balance in the technological world. This will provide countless opportunities for all and certainly a piece of technological freedom to people.