Thursday 11 August 2011

Where is the money?

The truth is I have fallen in love with the internet over the past couple of months since I have been able to figure out how can I stay connected for as long as I want. But now looking at some information on the web reading, hooooo! doing the same thing over and over, watching videos, downloading some music you know shouldn't be downloading! that latest album you pirates. lol. How about making some money on the Internet. Now thats what I will consider a sport. But now where to start you may ask or you may already be making some money, good for you. But those who are like me still looking for a way to pay the bills and maybe eat some pizza with that internet money. Where to start? Some will say start anywhere. Imagine living the life of your dreams all expenses paid through via you pay pal account or your visa, driving that car or living in that house all expenses paid by the Internet. Where is the money on the net. You know sometimes I like to think that maybe there might be one huge Internet bank account where all the big shots take a slice when ever they want to. But really where is all this money on the net. I'll tell you the money that I see all the time, the money being spend by me for logging on to the net even though it suppose to be for free. Ok, I buy airtime, convert in to data bundles and they get eaten up by somebody who's smarter than me. Where is this money on the net and how can me and you and have a piece of this hidden pie. Are we suppose to sell or provide service to somebody or simply do them all in order to have a piece. I am hungry I'm not going to lie to you. That life I'm also working towards it but i will like to hear from you on how you feel, your thoughts on this matter. Are people out there being greedy or must we just think harder. Where is the money? or as my brother will say where is the cheese?
Flight game simulation!  Test games and get paid
Making money software!

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